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My Hexbeam on 11m Alu Telescopic Mast

Hi. I am Goran (George) SM6CWP. I had my hexbeam mounted on top of 50 mm steel tubes sections at a height of about 10m. This worked but required the help of at least two friends standing on the roof every time I wanted the antenna down for adjustments or repair work. The steel mast bent quite a bit when raised due to the top load so it looked a bit scary! I wanted something I could handle by myself and not requiring much ground work so I started looking on the internet and found the Silcom aluminium telescopic mast which seemed to suit me perfectly.

After delivery I could install the mast easily singlehanded by raising the 3 m section to vertical, securing it to the wall mount and bolting the base to my terrace. I could then extend the mast and adjust the guy ropes to have the mast vertical in its full length. Then winching down again to install the rotator with the hexbeam and raising it by the winch. I was on the air in less than 3 hours. It has now been in service one year which includes heavy wind, snow and ice and has not caused any problem. I have had the antenna down a couple of times to adjust or repair the antenna elements and it is so easy now!

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