One of the biggest ham radio contests worldwide take place during the 2nd full weekend of July each year. The IARU HF world championship, organized by ARRL. You can make contacts in both SSB & CW. Detailed rules are published in ARRL’s site. Except of the usual participation categories, there is a special category for the Headquarters Club (HQ) stations of IARU member National Societies. It’s a great opportunity to make QSOs with stations like W1AW, DA0HQ, JA3RL, etc.
You don’t need to be a BIG GUN to have fun. You can even get a certificate for your wall if you make at least 250 contacts or 75 multipliers. DX stations from all around the world are active during the contest, like E2HQ from Thailand, CE3JBD from Chile, DX0HQ from Philippines and many many others. If solar activity is good during the weekend, you can make a lot of QSOs with low power in upper HF bands (21 & 28 MHz). So, make your final checks in your radios and antennas and get ready for a great time during this weekend.
CU in the Pileups and don’t forget to send your logbook within 7 days.